Making Maths Accessible
Since 1998, I've slowly moved across to making maths education and popularisation my main activity. I'm interested in making the subject more accessible and enjoyable for young children, teenagers, and also for those adults who, for whatever reason, had a bad time with maths at school. In 2007/8 I was invited to be President of the Mathematical Association, an organisation that has been promoting maths and its teaching for over 100 years.
I have been invited to give hundreds of maths workshops and talks across the UK and Ireland, for just about every age group. I've spoken at some great venues, too. One of my favourites is the historic Royal Institution in London where I have given numerous children's talks, often to packed houses. Other great venues have included the hall at King's College Cambridge, and Pentonville Prison where I addressed a group of prisoners (a captive audience, you might say) on probability and the mathematics of gambling - a topic in which they took a particularly keen interest. For details of the talks I offer, go to the Talks page.
In 2004, I set up, theatre-based lecture shows to encourage 15-17 year olds to pursue mathematical subjects to a higher level. Starting at the Royal Exchange in Manchester, it's expanded to 14 theatres and concert halls across England and Wales. There are usually three speakers, and the camaraderie backstage, as well as the thrill of performing to audiences of up to 1,000, is hard to beat.
I am often asked to appear on radio to talk about or explain various aspects of maths, including over a dozen appearances on Radio 4's Today Programme and More or Less . For several years I was a regular panellist on BBC Radio 4's cult (?) programme Puzzle Panel. Other appearances have included Steve Wright in the Afternoon on Radio 2, The Verb on Radio 3, Front Row and Broadcasting House on Radio 4, and Nicky Campbell on Radio 5 Live. I'm still waiting for Radio 1 to complete the BBC set though I did at least manage a slot for a week on Christian O'Connell's Breakfast Show on Absolute Radio.